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12, 13, 16, 18 & 20.10.24 - Teatro carlo felice di genova

Dates: 12, 13, 16, 18 and 20 October 2024

Venue: Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova 

City, Country: Genoa, Italy

Orchestra: Opera Carlo Felice Genova Orchestra

Repertoire: BENJAMIN BRITTEN: The Turn of the Screw

Soloists: Linda Gennari, Gaia Aprea, Aleph Viola, Virginia Campolucci, Luigi Bignone, Ludovica Lannetti 

October 3

03.10.2024 - Berliner philharmoniker (Copy)

October 12

12, 13, 16, 18 & 20.10.24 - Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova